Japanese Foot Peel....What happened?
Just a word of caution! SOME OF THESE PICTURES ARE DOWN RIGHT DISGUSTING. Don’t look at them if you’re going to be scarred for life, you have been warned….
Someone asked me, “why would you post these pictures? They’re so gross!” I said that I was doing it because although it may be totally gross, it’s also fascinating. And that I had a lot of people interested in seeing what happened. So if you’re one of those people, “here ya go’! I didn’t feel like posting some of these pictures was really appropriate for Facebook, so I stopped updating the ‘Foot Peel’ progress there. I figured if people really wanted to see the progress, they could come here to check it out and get fair warning of what they’re going to see. (side note, this foot peel was around $11.50 and contained two packages, which means two applications.)
That same person asked me “Why would you want other people to see how bad your feet are?” Listen—I have crappy feet, it’s not a secret. I’ll tell anyone who wants to know, I'm not embarrassed. It’s just how my feet are and in a month or so, will probably be again. Could they be better? Yes, but I don’t do any of the things that I know I should do to keep them nice. I don’t moisturize, I never wear socks if I can help it (I loathe socks!). I’m barefoot if I can be, don’t exfoliate regularly…basically, I don’t do any of the things that I used to tell my clients to do.
I am a licensed nail tech. I’ve seen A LOT of feet and given A LOT of pedicures. I know what people are working with down there, and that’s how I know I am not alone. I’ve seen feet way worse than mine, so I’ve got no shame. I've never lost a toenail, never had a fungus, never had to see a podiatrist, don’t have corns or bunions, never had heels so cracked they bleed! In the scheme of feet problems, my dry-calloused feet are ‘nothing’. I know that some people will think my feet might be “the worst they’ve ever seen” because they have soft and supple feet and are not familiar with the real horrors of feet. Well, congrats to you! I hope you look at this and are grateful for your blessed situation. And if you’re one of the many others who have no prospects of being a foot model, you might want to try a foot peel. It did make a big difference! I think the difference will be obvious if you’re brave enough to look at the pictures below.